What a shitty season. There is no other way to put it. I know, FAITHFUL READER, that it would be all worth it if it eventually led to a title.

While the nation celebrated watching KC lose on Sunday, it occurred to me that the fucking RAIDERS could still make the playoffs. At least, they got Staley and Telesco fired, I know. But when they lost last month after going up 14-0 to the Chiefs and said they were the better team with more "dawgs," it seemed laughable. Then they talked that shit about Mahomes being the "magician" and backed it up.
In the end, some team I don't like will make a deep playoff run or win a championship this season. It probably won't be the Raiders, but that's not the point. In a year when seemingly everyone is still in the playoff hunt or already clinched, we've been out of it for weeks.
I don't think most Charger fans want to see us win tomorrow, but I still can't quite root for that outcome. Like trying to pee in your pants, I don't think my mind is conditioned that way. Nonetheless, my rooting never amounted to much anyway. I'll have these final two games on just as I have the last two, with no sound and trying to keep my distance.
Like Denzel Washington says at the end of Glory, there's nothing else much more to say. In the end, it doesn't matter who wins because we didn't. The next time the Chargers play a meaningful game, let's hope this team is in a much better place. They'll definitely be a much different group.
Until next week. Happy New Year. Be safe and keep bolting up, no matter how difficult that can be.