Sorry I've been away for so long. I did watch every down of the preseason after all. After dropping my daughter Sarah off at college, Sammy and I immediately went to Springsteen for our 21st wedding anniversary in Philadelphia.

Next up was Labor Day and then the release of my second book, American Standard.

Which coincided with Pearl Jam (Mike McCready wrote the foreword to the book) playing MSG. Sam and I caught the first show and now there is nothing left to do but focus on the Traitors.
Who am I fucking kidding? I never stopped thinking about Bolts. You know this, FAITHFUL READER. In fact, on my way into the "World's Most Famous Arena," the security guard noticed my old-school horse logo hat and mentioned how he believed in Herbert and Harbaugh. Yes, Sam ushered me me through or we still might be outside talking about the Chargers.
It's beyond appropriate that we open up against the Traitors. It certainly pained me to root for a loss the last time we played them, but it was completely necessary. It would have been worse to win as we did in 2012 and have more mediocre coaching. Looking back, I don't think they were holding on to Staley regardless of the outcome. But I am also happy I don't have to find out if I'm right. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. But every time that "what if we suck" feeling seeps in, just remember that this is why we brought in Harbaugh.

That's my friend Dave's wife Kristi. She had to attend the funeral of a big Michigan booster and guess who gave the eulogy. I assume it's a soft drink in the can.
We all freaked out every time some left the field with a trainer this summer. Ben Herbert's not the answer, Spanos is cursed, blah fucking blah. I know I said "no cart, no give a shit," but obviously I was anxious like everyone else. I guess I was more anxious than everyone else. It's kinda become my thing.
The reality is they made it through the summer. Yes, Bosa had wrist surgery. We all knew that. He'll be ready for tomorrow. I'm sure he's all too aware of the shit Crosby has talked about him. DJ Chark is on IR. So fucking what. I am pretty sure our signing him is what they call "taking a flyer" or "kicking the tires." It's not like we signed him for a lot of money or had huge expectations. I don't really get caught up in the "we're a year away" idea. I have no idea what this team is capable of. But if no one really expects much and we end up "playing with house money," isn't that more enjoyable than what we've experienced so many other times?

I have no doubt things will get antsy tomorrow. They do with every team. But it's time for us to feel like the team is in the right hands. This was what we all wanted. The players say he's the right coach so now it's time to watch it all unfold. Yeah, that's me in the hotel the night before the AFC title game.

This was from just a few weeks ago. It's me and my daughter. She's away at school so I thought I'd give her a rare shout out. Tomorrow is also the anniversary of my dad's passing in 2017. I almost forgot about it, which is a good thing. Obviously, this installment of JIC is dedicated to him.
Time to Bolt The Fuck Up.
Fuck the Raiders,